Warning: Use of undefined constant P_WARNING - assumed 'P_WARNING' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/neptungo/domains/glob.mtk.katowice.pl/public_html/uri-parser.class.php on line 399
Warning: Illegal string offset 'lang' in /home/neptungo/domains/glob.mtk.katowice.pl/public_html/uri-parser.class.php on line 461
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/neptungo/domains/glob.mtk.katowice.pl/public_html/uri-parser.class.php on line 486
Warning: Illegal string offset 'lang' in /home/neptungo/domains/glob.mtk.katowice.pl/public_html/uri-parser-qsa.class.php on line 195
Warning: ksort() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given in /home/neptungo/domains/glob.mtk.katowice.pl/public_html/uri-parser-qsa.class.php on line 73
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/neptungo/domains/glob.mtk.katowice.pl/public_html/uri-parser-qsa.class.php on line 212
MTK - International Katowice Fair - GLOB 2006